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Display product ID on product page

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  • #204940


    Is there any way to display product ID similar to how SKU is displayed in the product page?

    I also have a second question. In the drop-down list when the customer is choosing product variations, is there any way to remove the option that says ‘choose an option’?



    There is no option to show the product ID automatically. You can add this information in the short description.

    As for the “chose options” do you mean in the product grid?

    Please provide a page URL and screen.

    Best Regards



    “As for the “chose options” do you mean in the product grid?”

    No I mean on the individual product page when the customer is choosing the size or color of the product. I have provided a link to the product page below. Click on the drop-down list on the right and it will have an option called ‘choose and option’. I want to remove that.



    Unfortunately, there is no option to do that. You can configure swatches instead of the drop-down: https://xtemos.com/docs/basel/attribute-swatches/

    Best Regards

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