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Do Popups Made With Elementor Work With Woodmart?

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  • #216143


    I created a cookies popup with Elementor, I set the display conditions and trigger, and the popup is not showing up on the site. Is there anyone that has successfully used a Elementor made popup on Woodmart?

    Thank you.



    I was able to finally see the popup I made come up on the screen, when I visited the site on a private window, but the styling was way off, did not look like what it looked like when I made it or in the preview window. 🙁



    I just exported the Popup template I made and imported it on a different site I am working on with a different Elementor based theme, the popup looked exactly how it should, and worked perfectly with the display conditions and trigger I set. So it could be some kind of conflict with Woodmart.


    Artem Temos


    Please, describe to us your problems in a bit more details. Attach some screenshots and provide us with a list of steps on how to reproduce it on your website.

    Thank you in advance.

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