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Documentation and Licensinng Stylesheet is missing

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  • #92405

    [email protected]

    I can’t Edit my Slider on Slider revolution, I set And add New slider and I published It does not change my slide why ?
    Main slider I removed but it still in my page. but it does not show in slider revolution page.


    [email protected]

    Documentation and Licensinng Stylesheet is missing, Can you help me

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Artem Temos


    Please, create separate topics if you have any questions. You don’t need to upload a Documentation folder as a separate theme. Just upload woodmart.zip file only. You can download the installable file via the downloads section on ThemeForest.

    Please, remove your negative review on ThemeForest https://themeforest.net/downloads

    Thank you for understanding.


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