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Does not scroll to woocommerce notices

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  • #459836



    I have always had enabled the woodmart option sticky notifications but as it is deprecated i have deactivated it. I also has one site who never have had this option enabled.

    After some testing today i have found that when any notices appear the page does not scroll to top so users can not see ie. error messages.

    When a user click on add to cart in single products and any error message appear on top of page the user is not scrolled to top so he can not see whats going wrong.

    You can see the issue on this product which is a product bundle, just scroll down and click the add to cart button: https://www.arctic-fritid.no/produkt/fiskeutstyr/bombardafiske/inno-bombarda/inno-bombarda-pakketilbud/

    You will then get a error message on top of page, but no autoscroll working.

    I have now 4 sites including a brand new and issue is the same for all 4.

    Any idea what can cause this?




    When I add a product to the cart, I see this message: https://gyazo.com/3fea5804c36a9f6cc8a957d43d35b408

    Please make the full backup of your site and check the issue on the Storefront theme to detect if our theme causes the problem. Storefront is a free theme developed by WooСommerce.

    Best Regards



    Yes, i had to do a temporary fix and added the “woocommerce-notices-wrapper” just above the add to cart button for the customers to see any errors, and that actually works better than scroll to top. I did receive so many concerns from customers not able to purchase product, this because they did not scroll up and see the error message.

    Well, storefront theme does not have ajax add to cart so it will not help testing on storefront. I have just now on one of the sites deactivated all plugins but that did not help. Also did some tests on my new install but same problems there.

    Scroll to top works in cart and checkout but not in single products.

    Anyway, i can live with the solution i am now using, it works better than any scroll to top error message as users now get the message straight into their faces.




    We are glad you have found the best solution for your site.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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