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Dont want cart open with add to cart button

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  • #370195


    In Shop page (Products Achieve) I want to disable Cart Popup when click Add to Cart, I want the product should be added in cart but don’t want to open cart popup. How can I do this?



    Please Go to Theme Settings >> Shop >> And set the action after add to cart. And set it to none.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://gyazo.com/7be820fbcda19e37b9a894f6dfb03c46

    Best Regards



    Ok i will try this and if you will see i added Buy now button with add to cart button, i need to open that popup with buy now button. how can i do this?



    Sorry but there is no option in Theme Settings available for that.

    It requires customizations and this is beyond our limitations and support policy.

    Best Regards

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