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Dummy Content

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  • #40742


    I unfortunately activated the “dummy content” AFTER adjusting the theme. I somehow thought it would just add some “dummy pages” but the content was added to my almost finished pages. All settings are gone now and I’m really frustrated. Is there a way of going back to how it was before? Thank you!


    Artem Temos


    Thank you so much purchasing our theme and contacting our support center.

    There is warning message under the dummy content block saying that theme settings will be changed https://gyazo.com/1abc94868f6bef3fa5a0dff3380def73
    Unfortunately, there is no way to roll back changes in WordPress Dashboard. Maybe you have some backups of the database on your server and you can try to restore them.

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio



    I cleaned up all the mess now. 😉

    The warning message is not written underneath the required basic/full import. It’s mentioned in the demo versions field which is step 2. So I did not see the warning until it was already too late. I was not aware that it changes all the settings – just thought it would add some content. Maybe you should mention that in the first step or even above for beginners like me …


    Artem Temos

    OK, thank you for the suggestion 🙂

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