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Dynamic discount function

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  • #529689


    16. Then there is the dynamic discount function that you offer in the theme, which adds a table with the different discount details. If you now increase the quantity of a product, the corresponding line in this discount table is highlighted. Now my question: is it somehow possible that the actual product price is also adjusted by the reduced amount in the “Single Product Page” and not only in the shopping cart and the discount saved is also displayed everywhere (Single Product, shopping cart, checkout) in the quantity as an amount? That would be much more elegant and I think would bring you good added value.


    Artem Temos


    We have split this reply into a new topic and closed the first one to avoid confusing issues.
    Unfortunately, there is no such ability in our theme at the moment.

    Kind Regards



    Ok, hopefully it will come in the future. Would be a good thing.


    Artem Temos

    We will consider this as a feature request. Thank you.

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