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Edit Category Design Alternate

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  • #55716


    I am using category design alternative. However my client wants a few things:
    1. No Zoom in hover effect.
    2. No product numbers on hover.
    3. No mask on hover.

    Basically she just wants an image. Trying to play with the css but no luck. I’ve reached as far as removing the product numbers on hover with a simple css.

    /*Remove Product category numbers*/
    .cat-design-alt .products-cat-number{

    Please help.



    Please add this custom CSS to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS

    div.cat-design-alt:hover .product-category-thumbnail {
       opacity: 1;
       transform: none;
       -webkit-transform: none;
       -o-transform: none;
       -moz-transform: none;

    Best Regards

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