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edit product cards

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  • #600531


    I want to make my product cards like this or similar to this.

    you can see in private content what i mean



    Navigate to Theme Settings -> Product archive -> Products styles and configure the elements.

    If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Can I enlarge the image or size more than this so you can understand my point? You can access the two websites from your phone to see what I mean. Also, I would like to add more information, which I will specify in the image, but I’m not sure how to do that.

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    These are the additional options in the form of labels. In order to create a custom label, navigate to Products > Attributes > create attribute > then add terms to created attribute – https://prnt.sc/tqzG6kgJCwEQ, https://prnt.sc/yq_ZcONu22_n

    Edit the attribute itself – https://prnt.sc/ExOeF6K7T_U3 and enable the Show attribute label on products option – https://prnt.sc/7vckb4xRhteN

    Edit the product for which you want to show the custom label and assign that custom label attribute to the product – https://prnt.sc/QGfKsahh3O9a

    As a result, the custom label will be shown. https://prnt.sc/Oepo-lw1A_l7

    Best Regards

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