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Editing Promo popup

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  • #148658


    Hi there,
    I have my promo popup all set up but would like to ask for the users First and Last names.
    When I add them to the mailchimp form they all appear inline despite using a <br> (please see attached screenshot).
    How can I customise it so that the first name and last name fields are in line followed by the email address field and signup button on the next?

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    I’m also having trouble adding the popup to a popup button on the home page (please see screenshots).
    I’ve entered the id number but this only displays an unedited text block (please see screenshot). I’m not quite sure what I’ve done wrong.
    Your help is much appreciated!

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    1. Please provide your site admin access we shall try to align inline with custom CSS.

    2. Promo pup element has the wrapping element which you show on the screen, as soon as you configure it, save and then add a text block inside and insert the shortcode of the form.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise,

    Thanks for the quick reply and for looking into this for me. Please find login details below.

    I’m not quite sure what you mean for point 2, I had entered the id already. Is there something else I should have done?

    Thanks very much for your help!




    If you are using Popu element: http://prntscr.com/pfvlyr

    Insert the Popup element and configure https://gyazo.com/860840ad2f673484cf26656bedd8c8d7 then insert the text block and insert the shortcode https://gyazo.com/cf364bf6448d61dac5c8444ef08bc47f

    You can insert any content into the popup element. This element would appear only on the clicking of the button, which is shown on the page where you add the element.

    If you are configuring the global Promo popup you can find the options in the Theme Settings > Shop > Promo popup.

    Here is the code to align the fields in the global Promo popup

    body .mc4wp-form input[type=email]{
    body .mc4wp-form input[type=text]{

    Best Regards



    Hi there,
    Everything was working but I just noticed that only the sign up fields are displaying from the html block without the text above and below when I click the button (please see attached).
    Do you have any ideas what I’ve done?!
    I’ve attached login details if you wouldn’t mind taking a look for me?
    Thanks again,

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    What text do you mean? You can add any text to your form via HTML block. I canot login with the credentials you have provided.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise,

    Sorry – I had a recaptcha issue – you should now be able to login now!

    There is more content within my html block that doesn’t seem to be appearing when the link is clicked. I’m not sure why it’s not pulling through.
    It should look like the popup when “NEWSLETTER” is clicked in the top navigation but the link half way down the homepage only gives the fields for the user to fill in without the rest of the content.

    Your help is much appreciated!




    Here is the HTML block which is used for Promo popup: https://gyazo.com/24cbc2dd7af0d335187da3d7cef0ffdf

    Here is the content of the HTML block: https://prnt.sc/q7l4xa

    This is the form used: https://prnt.sc/q7l533

    And finally the popup https://prnt.sc/q7l5j8

    The popup shows the content as per your settings. As you see all the content of the HTML block appears correctly.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise,
    Thanks for your quick reply.
    Sorry – I didn’t explain properly. It is the popup further down the page I’m having trouble with. Please see screenshots.
    Thanks again,

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    I was being silly… I hadn’t added the text within the relevant textblock (only the form).
    Thanks again for all your help!


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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