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Elementor is not loading because of Woocommerce

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  • #628620


    Hello Team,

    I recently purchased the Woodmart theme and tried setting up my website. But the problem arises when I try to edit anything using elementor. When I click on “Edit with Elementor”, it takes me to an endless loading screen of elementor. What I noticed is that when I disable Woocommerce plugin, the editor loads without any problem.

    But that also disables everything that is associated with Woocommerce and I am not able to fully edit my theme as per my requirement. Please help me resolve this problem.


    Hung Pham

    Hi tapish,

    Thanks for reaching to us and appreciate your patience.

    I see you are using WPBakery Page Builder instead, please let me know if you want to keep using it.




    Yes I had to switch because you guys replied so late. I had to check out on my on. I will be using WP bakery for the setup now.


    Hung Pham

    Hi tapish,

    Keep us in mind for future questions and concerns, we’re always here to help!


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