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elementor product detail page

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  • #214136


    We wrote before we buy your theme this in comments section:

    Tussibag Purchased Supported
    about 1 hour ago Flag
    So woodmart will work with custom product detail page with elementor pro?

    xtemos Author
    about 1 hour ago Flag
    It already works with this function but we didn’t add any custom elements for that.

    Now we hav ena problem. We have purchased now your theme, but there is not chance tu have an custom product detail page:


    Actually, our theme is compatible with Elementor Pro. We will consider adding more elements for this in the future.

    Kind Regards

    Tussibag Purchased Supported
    about 1 hour ago Flag

    So woodmart will work with custom product detail page with elementor pro?

    xtemos Author
    about 1 hour ago Flag

    It already works with this function but we didn’t add any custom elements for that. Product detail page looking like this:

    Its an custom product detail page of elementor pro. You can edit it here:
    username and password in private content area

    I dont know why, but the product detail page is not correct shown: it have full width and is aligned to left. In elementor pagebuilder the preview looking great. But preview / live view looking terrible.
    I hope you can help us to fix that issue.


    Artem Temos


    Could you please check how it works with some default WordPress themes like TwentyTwenty or WooCommerce Storefront to understand is it our theme issue or not?




    Its working in wp standard themes and some other third party themes like rehub and auros theme.
    But when we activate your theme the design is only in elementor builder okay:

    If we open the product detail page in frontend the design looks like this:

    Do you never test the most important function of elementor with your theme? 🙁
    Elementor is very well known for his option to build woocommerce detail pages.

    Your sale support write me: it will works fine. But it doesent work okay. 🙁


    Artem Temos

    Actually it is how it works by default in Elementor pro and the theme has to make some extra adjustments to make it look in the container. We have added full extended compatibility with Elementor, but the pro version is supported as it is.
    You just need to specify the content width while editing your product page rows.
    And we will add our theme’s container to the product page builder in our next theme update.
    To sum up, our theme is compatible with Elmentor pro but doesn’t have any extra styles and elements for that yet.



    Oh noooh. 🙁
    So out of the box the Styling will look noot good if we use custom product detail page?

    We asked before in Comments section if it will work or not and your sale stuff told me: custom product Detail page will work.

    You can the answer in my first post and on themeforest.

    We need custom product Detail page. Without we cant work.

    I can have a refound please? Or the Update for product Detail page will come in Home days?

    Best wishes


    Artem Temos

    Yes, the answer was correct. It works as it is out of the box in Elementor pro. But we don’t have any custom styles and elements for that. You need to use content width option for rows to make it look boxed.

    But anyway, if you are not satisfied with our theme, you can request a refund here https://themeforest.net/refund_requests/new



    “You need to use content width option for rows to make it look boxed.”
    Coud you show me where i can find this option please? I setup an small width, but it dosent work:

    look result here:


    Artem Temos

    Try to add the following code snippet to the Custom CSS area in Theme Settings to fix this issue.

    .elementor-location-archive {
    		flex: 1 1 0%;
    		width: 100%;
    		max-width: 100%;
    		padding-right: 15px;
    		padding-left: 15px;
    .elementor-template-full-width.single-product .container-fluid {
    	max-width: 1300px;
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