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Empty padding space in Header

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  • #52618



    I have imported the Fashion-Color dummy content. And now I want to create my own HOMEPAGE from scratch. I created a page and I added only one element, which is the slider, the same as in Fashion-color Page (I did this to better show you the issue I’ve encountered, as per below).

    Next I go to Settings -> Reading -> “My newly created page” (Homepage)

    Now, when visit store, there is this padding space of 70px between the main header and the slider which does not exist in case of the Fashion-color homepage or with any other Woodmart demo homepage. Please see the pics attached.

    Why does this appear? Kindly explain how to not have that space. I don’t want a CSS code for removing it.

    Thank you!

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    Artem Temos


    By default, our header has a margin bottom and if you want to remove it on your home page, you can simply add a negative margin top for the first row on the page with Visual Composer. So just set -40px for example to compensate it.




    Thank you for your response.

    How do I do that? How do I add a negative margin top on the page with VC? Where is this customization located on the Fashion-color demo page?



    Nevermind, I figured it out. It was on the slider row.

    Many thanks!! I really appreciate your quick responses, guys!



    We are glad you have solved the issue on your own. If you have any questions feel free to contact us

    Best Regards

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