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Err 504 after uptade 2.8

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  • #67838



    I updated the theme a few hours ago, I have version 4.8.
    I manage to connect to my admin without problem.
    My site is in “coming soon” mode and the maintenance page is normally displayed.
    But when I am connected to my admin and I want to view the display of my site thanks to the plugin “cooming soon” it does not work anymore.
    The site takes a long time to load to give a 504 error.
    It did not happen directly after the update but a few hours after.

    I consulted my host, a priori no server failure, I disabled the plugin coming soon to display the site in live : the same : slowness and error 504.

    The only thing I did this morning is updating the theme.

    I have seen that other people do not manage to update their site at all and also fall on a 504 error.
    I deactivated and reactivated my license code, no change.

    Would there be something in the update ?


    Artem Temos


    500 Internal Error says about some issue on the server and can be caused by different things. Anyway, to understand its nature you need to see your server error logs or enable PHP error display on the website. If you can’t do this, you need to contact your hosting provider for help in this question. Here is an article that may help you understand the error better http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-fix-the-internal-server-error-in-wordpress/

    Also, please, check how it works with default WordPress theme.


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