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Error Something went wrong. Please try again or choose another payment source.

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  • #633965


    I get this error on the checkout page “Something went wrong. Please try again or choose another payment source.” ,
    I activated another default theme (Twenty) and it works correctly, what could it be?


    Artem Temos


    Please disable any plugins not directly related to our theme and provide us with your admin access details. We will log in to your dashboard and investigate the issue. Please ensure that you only keep the following plugins that are necessary for our theme to work correctly:
    – WoodMart core
    – WooCommerce
    – Elementor/WPBakery Page Builder

    Thank you in advance.



    The plugins have been deactivated, and the one that is causing the error when we activate it is ‘woocomerce antifraud’. We tested themes like ‘Hello’ or ‘Twenty’ and there are no problems with those themes. How can you help me solve this? It used to work, it just stopped working. I don’t know if it’s a problem with woodmart updates.


    Artem Temos

    In this case, you should reach out to the plugin’s developers for assistance. It seems to trigger a PHP error that disrupts the checkout process on your website.



    Could you elaborate a little more on how you know that? And how PHP triggers works with other themes but not with yours?


    Artem Temos

    We can’t say exactly because we don’t know how this plugin is built. Yes, it may work with other themes and be incompatible with WoodMart. But it needs to be investigated by the plugin developers first.



    We already talked to the plugin support and they told me that this is a theme bug and that you guys are already aware of this issue and apparently haven’t done anything to fix it.
    This is related to the [woocommerce_checkout] shortcode which is inside a “text editor” block. They suggested that we change it to a shortcode inside a “code block”. But if we wanted a long term change, this should be fixed by the theme.
    We already tried this, we change the ‘text editor block’ to a ‘shortcode block’, to a paragraph block, to an HTML block, etc. We cleaned wp-config. Nothing seems to work. Could you help me? Otherwise I will have to change the theme. Not using the plugin is not an option.


    Artem Temos


    We didn’t know about the issue. So they provided you with incorrect information since the fix they gave you doesn’t work as well. If there any bugs with the theme’s code, please provide us with all the details and we will fix this.
    Otherwise, we can refund your amount for the theme.

    Kind Regards



    We are looking into this with the plugin people, but I would like to know if they have any suggestions for an anti-fraud plugin that is compatible with your plugin? As soon as the support people respond to me, I will let you know what they told me.
    In the meantime, could you help in some way from your side?


    Artem Temos

    Unfortunately, we don’t know any plugins to recommend you for this purpose.



    Can you please help to downgrade to the 7.6.0 version… i want to try to test it with this version.



    I did tests and everything indicates that it is the new update of the 8.0.6 theme, I have two dev scenarios on the same hosting, one where the 7.6.0 version is installed. And another scenario where the newer 8.0.6 version is installed.

    These are configured the same, using the same plugins, same payment, same sandbox, same up to date versions of Woocomerce Antifraud Plugin Activated and theme version 7.6.0 DOES proceed with the payment process succesfully, everything is working fine, it sends me the purchase confirmation order

    But the newer theme version 8.0.6 does NOT let me make payments and this error appears:
    ‘There was an error processing your order. Please check for any charges in your payment method and review your order history before placing the order again.’

    I want to emphasize that they have the same configurations, both done in Elementor, with demo content, not custom code. im also utilizing the same payment and shipping configuration in both versions and only the 8.0.6 version is failing.

    the developer team from Anti fraud have also looked into this thorougly and assure us that the problem is with the new version of the theme.

    how can you help me? can you give me a patch or solution? there’s obviously a problem with the new theme version thats interfering with this checkout process.


    Artem Temos


    Do you have a website with our 7.6 version installed where it works correctly? Please provide us the admin access so we can check it and install 8.0.6 there as well to see what is wrong.

    Kind Regards



    Yes, I attached the access data.


    Artem Temos

    Sorry, but the password is wrong and we can’t enter the dashboard.



    You can try again please.


    Artem Temos

    We just tested checkout on this website with the latest version of the WoodMart theme and didn’t get any errors https://gyazo.com/3c64255d1b4013a50c1f5dbadd4352b8
    Could you please clarify how to reproduce this?



    Please read my ticket again. The old version of the 7.6 theme DOES WORK. I already explained it. You yourself say that you are going to install the new one for testing and that is where it does not work in 8.0.6.



    is everything updated? The Woodmart Core is outdated

    • This reply was modified 1 month ago by viz.design.


    Could you check this site?


    Artem Temos

    Yes, we updated the theme first as we wrote you and tested on the website where it worked with 7.6 too. The result we sent on the screenshot. Please test it from your end now.



    Where can I find the screenshot? Did you try it on the two pages I sent you, because it doesn’t work on one of them, which is the most important one.



    Ok, I see that it works on one page, but on the one I sent you the data below, it doesn’t work, did you check it?


    Artem Temos

    Sorry, but we can’t enter the dashboard because the password is wrong.



    Could you please check why the payment is not going through on this website? Everything is up to date, but the payment is not working on this site.
    I am sending two website links. I want you to check the one that does not work. They are also updated and appear to have the same configurations.


    Artem Temos

    As we can see, the latest version of the theme is installed. You wrote that you will provide us with access to the website where it works with our WoodMart 7.6 so we can install the latest version and see the difference.



    Yes, I had already sent the access to the one that had 7.6 and you already did the update. I am sending it attached again.


    Artem Temos

    Yes, we checked this website and there is no issue with 7.6 and 8.0. Here is a screenshot https://gyazo.com/4bdf7ab56af2ca9207badd53dd8f7ebf
    So it means that this issue is not related to the theme update.



    I think you are confused, that site does work, the one that doesn’t work is the one I sent you in the previous message, remember that there are TWO sites with the theme, one DOES work and the other doesn’t!

    I am attaching data again, this is the site that DOES NOT work and I want to know why. Please, you don’t seem to understand the problem, and I have been trying for days to get help.

    I sent you the two sites because you told me that you wanted to check both, because one works and the other doesn’t, and it seems that this has confused you and you are only checking the one that works. Please check this one that I sent you only.

    • This reply was modified 1 month ago by viz.design.

    Artem Temos

    You wrote that it does work with 7.6 and doesn’t work wit the latest version in your reply here https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/error-something-went-wrong-please-try-again-or-choose-another-payment-source/#post-636069
    We checked this information and confirmed that it is not related to the theme update.

    So based on this, we can say that this plugin is incompatible with the theme nomatter which version is used. Also, the information provided by the plugin’s developers is wrong since the fix they proposed doesn’t work https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/error-something-went-wrong-please-try-again-or-choose-another-payment-source/#post-635422

    Kind Regards

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