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errors – megamenu, sale badge

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  • #42401


    could you please check some errors which you can see in the attached screenshots?
    One is in the big main menu – the hover from accessories.
    The second one is added plugin for sale prices and there is a wrong information (-100%). I have been using this plugin for some time, but the problem arose now.

    Could you please help me to finde the solutions.
    Thank you.

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    Artem Temos


    If you are using some plugins that generate sale prices for products then this percentage label will not work and you would better disable it in Theme Settings -> Shop -> Products labels. It works with standard WooCommerce sale price option only.

    Kind Regards



    but it was working. There was no problem. This plugin allows to set the percentage discount on all the product in the store. This is what I need and the plugin was ok till yesterday.

    And what about the second problem? The snippet of code in the picture in the main manu?



    Artem Temos


    Sorry, but as we mentioned, it will not work with any custom values that added by any of the extra plugins. They work only with WooCommerce sale price values. And that is why errors arrive also.



    But how it is possible that it was working and now you told mi that it can’t work?


    Artem Temos

    We don’t know how it worked before. Do you have any examples where we can check how it should work?



    I have this discount on all the product so every one where you can see the badge SALE and the price is lover. But the last added product have badge -100% and I changed nothing.
    So this is product where it isn’t working:
    And this is where is the plugin working well:


    Artem Temos

    But as we can see, products have different labels. The first one has a percantage label and the second one simply “Sale”.



    Yes, and this is the problem. For the discount I use only this plugin where I set the 20% discount for all the product in my eshop. On the products is visible badge “SALE” and the discounted price.
    BUT before a few days every newly added product have not correct badge “-100%”. You can see that the discounted price is lower by 20%, bud the badge was changed from “SALE” to “-100%”.

    But I am also worried about the code snipped in the menu. When you hover on the main menu over category ACCESSORIES you don’t see the code above the picture on the right side, but when you hover over category CLOTHING you see above the picture of the same product the code snippet.

    These are two, maybe different, problems, which I need to solve.
    Thanks in advance.


    Artem Temos

    1. Percentage (-20% for example) label works for simple products only. It doesn’t work for variable products.

    2. About the error we already explained. It will not with this plugin and the error arrives because there is no default WooCommerce sale price value there.

    You just need to disable this label in Theme Settings -> Shop -> Products labels.



    1. but I don’t neet to see the -20% label. I want to have on all the product label “SALE” as it was till the “magic moment” when I don’t know what happened. I know that the numeric sale label works only for simple products. This is why I am using the plugin and I set for all the products and their variables bulk discount which is 20% but I am ok with that fact that there is only the SALE label (insted the -20%).
    BUT I don’t know why there is from the “magic moment” the label -100%. I changed nothing. I still have the same bulk dicsount plugin with the same settings for all product. So why there are this newly added product with this wrong label??? Do you understand what is my problem?

    2. I understand what are you trying to tell me, BUT again – why is this code snippet only in one case not in both? It is visible only when you hover over the ACCESSORIES in the main menu but when you hover over the CLOTHING there it isn’t the code snippet.
    If that’s what you say, the code should be visible in both cases, right? But it isn’t.

    So the problem must be somewhere else.


    Artem Temos

    But if you don’t need to see the percentage label why just don’t want to go to Theme Settings -> Shop -> Product labels and simply disable it as we suggested you a few times already?



    Because I thought you didn’t understand me. But it was probably the opposite. I apologize.
    In the first case, it helped, but not in the other.
    I still see the source code. Do not I understand something again? 🙂


    Artem Temos

    Could you please send us your FTP access so we can check why the error is still there?



    Of course. You can find it in private content:


    Artem Temos

    OK, we have fixed this issue for you and will include the fix in our next theme update.



    Great, thank you 🙂 I appreciate it!
    Have a nice day.


    Artem Temos

    Thank you! Have a nice day too! 🙂

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