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Extended Filter Form

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  • #272758


    Dear all,

    is it possible to create filter forms with e.g. 20 filters. I have tested this, but the filter form gets very small and you are not able to read the filter options anymore.

    Is it possible to sort the filter form in several lines:

    Filter 1 Filter 2 Filter 3 Filter 4
    Filter 5 Filter 6 Filter 7 Filter 8 FILTER BUTTON

    The issue is, that I have more than 2000 products and 30-40 attributes to filter at.

    Thank you in advance.

    Kind regards

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    Please provide the page URL with the filter we will check and suggest the solution.

    If your site is under construction, please provide your site admin access.

    Best Regards



    Sorry for my late reply. I have following questions:

    1. Can we limit the size of the filter boxes? would like to have maximum 3 filter boxes in one row. Now this is being setup automatically and some of the used attributes are not visible anymore.

    2. After filtering the filter form will disable and show the relevant products. Can we leave the filter form active?

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    Please provide your site admin access to the private area as well as the page URL, I will check if it is possible to do.

    Best Regards



    thank you, attached you can find the requested information.



    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:

    body.tax-product_cat .woodmart-product-filters .woodmart-pf-checkboxes {
        flex: 1 1 30%;
        width: 0;

    Best Regards



    Perfect, thank you! works fine!

    2. After filtering the filter form will disable/disapear but will show the relevant products correctly. Can we leave the filter form active, so that some clients can add additional filters without restarting everything?



    Please try to filter by category and or by price, you will see that the attribute filter remain: https://prnt.sc/10oz28c

    and different categories would have a different set of attribute filters.

    Attribute filter would not appear in a product category in which products do not have these attributes. For example, in Category A, products have a size attribute, Category B has the color attribute in products, So the size attribute filter would not appear in Category B, and the color attribute filter would not appear in Category A as there is no product to filter. That is why it is not possible to configure showing all the attribute filters in the filter result.

    Best Regards



    Ok understand that makes sense.

    One more question, is it possible to show the number of available products next to the attributes?

    For example I am filtering for COLOR and the drop down shows following:
    White (1)
    Black (6)
    Red (10)

    Thank you.



    Please use WOODMART WooCommerce Layered Nav widget for your filters and the product number would be shown: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/widgets/

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    ok tested, so this means it is not possible to show this in filter form right?



    If you use this widget: https://prnt.sc/10qqtwc you will have this view: https://gyazo.com/d7d7f81cae8bce72c5472a5a7b8e610a

    Please clarify your purpose.

    Best Regards

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