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Extra Content Bug

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  • #232457


    Hi There,

    i have some problems with the extra content.

    If i set the extra content after content, the content will not be displayed.

    If i set it before content than it will be showed..

    But i need them after the content…

    Can you help me in this case?





    here is a example.. every site is doing what they want…



    I have visited your website and the content is displaying after the product on my end. Please clear the cache and check back.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://ibb.co/mNrHtp2

    If you are trying to ask anything else then please provide me with some relevant screenshot of the specific area to check it myself and help you out accordingly.

    Xtemos Studios.




    but the content is duplicated once under the product (thats correct) and second time in the tab description content. ?????

    Image attached



    Here two pictures more of the backend

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Here the pcture of the duplicated content

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    I saw the screenshots you attached.

    It seems that the content of the HTML Block you are using for the extra content is the same as the product description.

    Please try adding a unique content HTML Block to the product extra content area then clear the cache and check back.

    If the problem continues then deactivate all the third-party plugins and provide admin panel login details of the website to check it myself and help you out accordingly.

    Xtemos Studios.




    i have everything done. but the problem is the same.

    admin log in attached in the private content



    Please deactivate all the third party plugins, activate the parent theme and then check back.

    If the problem continues then leave all the third party plugins deactivated and tell me with the permission to debug then we will troubleshoot with the theme plugins.

    Best Regards.




    i have deactivated all third plug ins activated the parent theme and checked it back.

    and the problem is still there…….



    I have logged into your website and deactivated the Elementor pro plugin and the extra content is working absolutely fine on my end. I have created a test product and it’s working absolutely fine.


    The PRO version of the plugins has extra functionalities that are causing the issue. Please ask the Elementor PRO support for help regarding this issue.

    Best Regards.




    here the response from elementor

    Ana Clara replied
    Oct 26, 15:45
    Hi Dzenis,

    Thank you for the update.

    I could verify it is being used customized code in the elements, HTML blocks, which appears to be a feature from the theme.

    When talking about integration with customized code, third-party plugins, or any extension for Elementor capabilities, it involves the expertise of checking compatibility and code that needs to be verified by professionals that are developers.

    Through this channel, we are only able to provide support for Elementor’s existing features and do not provide support for custom code solutions, as it goes out of our Scope of Services. Development issues (custom widgets and functions, custom code and CSS, BETA testing issues, compatibility issues with plugins) should be sent to our Github account where our developers will be able to assist.

    Best Regards



    Artem Temos


    Could you please send us a link where we can see the problem now? Currently, we don’t see this on your website.

    Kind Regards




    Look at the attached image why i sent you the response from the elementor support. It was because Aziz told me thats an Elementor Pro Issue. But I saw a lot of issues using the elementor pro plug on my shop and no problems when using just the elementor version. but this is very funny. i need the elementor pro version to add some extra seo content to the categorie pages and to the shop page which are woocommerce archive pages.

    to add this extra seo content i need the elementor pro version because nobody can configure a archiv page with the normal elementor page builder. for this step everybody needs an elementor pro license.

    so how to add extra content boxes to the categorie pages if i am not professional in PHP to add some extra boxes fields or however?

    Kind regards


    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Artem Temos


    Sorry, but we thought that you are trying to add to the single product page, not to the category page. In this case, could you please send us a link where we can see the issue on the category page now?

    Note that there is an option in WooCommerce to add extra content to each category via Dashboard -> Categories -> edit category -> Description.

    Kind Regards



    Hi yeah

    i have tried to add extra content to the single pages and it works fine without elementor pro.

    and i know that i can add extra content to the description to every categorie in woocommerce.. but i can not add extra content to every categorie page without elementor pro……



    Artem Temos


    Please, be more specific about how exactly do you want to do this and what is wrong with our theme in this case. Send us some examples of how it works when you use some default WordPress theme and how it works when the WoodMart is active.

    Kind Regards

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