I followed all steps on https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/faq-guides/configure-facebook-login/ to configure the Facebook App.
As my website is in french, I added 2 differents URLS on Facebook app “Valid OAuth redirect URIs” :
– https://swissdiy.ch/my-account/facebook/int_callback
– https://swissdiy.ch/mon-compte/facebook/int_callback
Of course, I made the test with 2 sepertaly and the issue is the same.
Facebook App is public and configured on wp-admin side, I can also see the Facebook login button front-end.
The problem is that Facebook don’t allow to disable “Use Stric Mode for Redirect URls”.
So when I click on “login with Facebook”, I’m redirected to Facebook, enter my login/pass and I’m redirected to My account page.
And I’m still not connected to the website…
– Why do you require “Use Stric Mode for Redirect URls” disabled while Facebook changed their rules and don’t accept anymore to disable it?
Thanks a lot for your help.