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FAQ Schema and Basel future

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  • #71028


    Hi there, do you think that you’ll insert Schema rules inside FAQ feature? It would be really helpful. Then I would to ask something about Basel. You’re working a lot on WoodMart, not on Basel. We’re using WoodMart on a web site and Basel on another. What can you tell me about that? What are your plan for the future with Basel?


    Artem Temos


    FAQ elements come with WPBakery page builder plugin and we can’t change its structure in our theme.
    Almost all functions we add to our WoodMart theme are implemented in our Basel theme as well. Usually, we release two-three updates on WoodMart and then update our Basel. So next week we will release a new version with own slider and new filters. Also, fix a lot of bugs reported and add other small features. So we will always keep our Basel theme up to date and add all the necessary features.




    For your experience do you think that guys of WPBakery page builder plugin will update FAQ feature with the new Schema?

    Is there a way to keep on your support by this forum? Re-new every 6 months is really not so friendly.


    Artem Temos

    Sorry, but we don’t have information for that.

    According to Envato policy, you have to extend support every 6 months.



    I know that you have not this information. I asked your opinion. Have you usually an opinion about things? 😀


    Artem Temos

    We hope that they will consider SEO improvement in the future 🙂

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