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Fatal Error When installing Woodmart

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  • #281379


    Hi There,
    When activating the theme, I got a fatal error (details below). Looks like you have an incompability with WP core on widgets. Further, activating woodmart also broke Basel.
    Kind regards


    Artem Temos


    Could you please disable all plugins that are not related to our theme and provide us your admin access so we can check it?

    Thank you in advance



    Not sure this is the rightest thing to do. Please, use instead the staging site, which is now a pure copy-cat (credentials below). On it, Woodmart is active (learning it). If you switch back to Basel as the site is (with plugins activated), you should replicate the problem (ie no menu, no sidebar, no widget). It’s pretty sure that the issue is linked with Gutenberg. It’s also breaking the integration of swatches in translated languages.
    To see how it’s supposed to be, you may look at live site:
    Kind regards
    ps1: the problem occurred only on shop page, with Basel WC layered nav. Till woodmart was activated, I hadn’t any problem when switching from Basel to any other theme, and vice versa.
    ps2: if you really need access to live site, I can, but will have to shut it down and place it in maintenance mode for a while



    Hi again,
    In the same topic, I have been willing to add the required plugins, incl. the woodmart core.
    When I activated it, I got another fatal error:
    Fatal error: Cannot declare class OAuthConsumer, because the name is already in use in /home/etc.

    How to manage?

    Kind regards


    Artem Temos


    The fatal error means that some plugin also includes the same PHP class. You need to disable all plugins temporarily and test how it works.

    Kind Regards



    Sorted out. Indeed, the conflict is between your 2 themes, precisely between “XTEMOS Post Types plugin” and “Woodmart Core”. Meaning that man shall desactivate one, before activating the other. Once you know, not a problem.
    Kind regards


    Artem Temos

    Yes, these plugins shouldn’t be activated at the same time. We are glad that you sorted it out.

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