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Few words and experssions is not translated

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  • #329232


    Dear XTemos Team,

    I downloaded the Slovakian language file and imported it into Loco Translate the way your instructions say. But there are a few words and expressions are not translated, even if it has been already translated. Such as the drop down Login/register window “Create an account”, “Shopping Cart” at the sidebar, etc.

    Can you help me to solve this issue? I gave you credentials to check it out on your side.

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    In order to translate the Woocommerce strings, you need to create a separate translation in Loco > Plugins > Woocommerce.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Dear Elise,

    I checked the language settings at Loco > Plugins > Woocommerce and as I see it is Slovakian also, and all the strings has been translated. I tried to sync it, but it seems nothing happened, everything is still the same, not all words/expressions are translated.



    Please set the same language for the user in the Dashboard > Users and check again.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards




    I forgot to mentioned, I’ve tried this already by selecting the languages for each users, but the texts remain in English.



    I am checking and I do not see translation in Loco > Plugins > Woocommerce

    All these strings relate to Woocommerce, create the translation and make sure everything has been translated.

    Best Regards

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