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Files lost after updating page!

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  • #512557



    I have edited a page using some xtemos widgets via elementor. I have then went to the wordpress – page and changed the sidebar option from default to without.

    After doing this.. all my recent changes have vanished. What i can see is the changes i made 2 days ago not the recent ones I made.

    * What I have done to try resolve this?*

    – I have checked all previous history of that page and on checked to see previous version in elementor. I cannot find anything that helps bring back my recent work

    – I have done a hard refresh, cleared cache – still no luck

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!



    Please share the wp login details in private content under the message area I will further check and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards.



    please see extra info



    I am not able to login into your site. Please send me the URL of WP admin so I will access your site and help you accordingly.

    Best Regards.



    Please see here



    Please update the new version of the theme “WOODMART WordPress NEW: 7.3.2 RELEASED” and update the required plugin and check the issue.

    Hope so your issue will be resolved!

    Best Regards.




    I have updated the theme alongside all relevant plug ins. I have also checked the revisions on that specific page alongside the history in the editing section of elementor.

    I still cannot find my work…



    Can you please share the small video for better understanding. Also, Confirm the permission for plugins deactivation, and switching to the parent/default theme. As soon as we complete the testing we will enable it all back, however, You would better make the full backup of your site.

    Best Regards.



    I have made a back up of the site. I give you permission to do anything to the theme/plug ins.



    Now Go to Your website customize the pages with Elementor and see the changes on the front end.
    Check back on your site.

    Best Regards.



    I think i was unclear of what my initial problem was…

    – I made changes via elementor on a specific page. I added many widgets, text and information
    – I then went on to wordpress of this specific page and changed the sidebar from default to without
    – I then updated this

    After i updated this. I could not find the recent changes and edits i made. As mentioned in the first bullet point:
    ( I made changes via elementor on a specific page. I added many widgets, text and information )

    Now the things I have already tried to find my lost edits. I have done the following but none of them seemed to to help:

    – Checked all previous history of that specific pa
    – Checked to see previous history versions in elementor
    – Hard refresh & cleared cache

    None of this has helped. My query is.. I cannot find all the recent edits and changes i made.



    I have done everything as you mention in this regard.
    Here is the link:

    If you have another behavior send us the small video for better understanding.

    Best Regards.



    The link does not show me anything. It is a basic template of woodmart.

    I have lost specific images, widgets, text and information which i myself edited. I cannot show you a video as my work has been lost!…

    You have not restored my lost work.



    We are sorry you have lost your settings. Please contact your host support. Perhaps they have something of automatic backups and you can restore all.

    The theme cannot reset by itself. You could press “Reset” by mistake. Please make the site backups from time to time and export theme settings in order to avoid such in the future.

    Also, you can ask the hosting provider support to run teh backup of your site. I am sure they had a backup of your site.

    Best Regards.

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