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Filter Design

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  • #195080


    Hi there,

    I created a Shopfilter with a html block in the filter area above the products.
    I used a price range and some attribute filters. How can i make some kind of filters with a radio button and some with a checkbox instead of a standard dropdown?

    Thanks for helping

    Best regards



    Please provide the site admin access to the private area I will check the settings.

    Best Regards



    Please see details below.



    You used the custom filters which are destined for pages not related to the Woocommerce template. These filters do not have the option for buttons or checkboxes.

    You would better add filter widgets into the shop filter area https://prnt.sc/sh97rk in Appearance > Widgets

    You need to add WOODMART WooCommerce Layered Nav https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/widgets/

    Best Regards


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