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Filters not working correctly

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  • #210152


    Hello, my filters in category page are not working. I see sizes that do not exist among the products of the category. Then when i click on that size it appears products that do not match and inside the products the size does not even exist.

    Please check the video.



    Please deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme and switch the parent theme, check the issue, if the problem remains, leave the plugins not activated and provide the site admin access to the private area.

    Best Regards



    Hello, we have deactivated all plugins and the issue still remains. Please check. I have created a clone of the website.



    Please try the WoodMart Woocommerce Layered Nav filter. Now you are using Woocommerce filters our theme does not influence them https://prnt.sc/th18u3

    Best Regards



    I have used WoodMart Woocommerce Layered Nav filter and the issue remains. Check the video. Now that we checked all the obvious could you please find the real problem and actually check what is wrong?



    Replace the size filter. You have not replaced it yet.

    Best Regards



    What do you mean to replace it? I have added the woodmart layered nav filter with attribute size right below the other. Do you mean to erase the other filter and leave yours? Ok I did that but still not working. Is it another way to replace it? If you have a way please do it yourself this is a test site there is no problem.



    As I understand this is not a live site? May I reinstall the theme and check both your issues?

    Best Regards



    Yes I told you since the beginning this is a clone I have created to check the issues. Please check what is wrong so that I can fix it in the live site afterwards. Thank you.


    Artem Temos


    Your products actually have these sizes added under the Attributes tab https://prnt.sc/ti2alk https://prnt.sc/ti2ayj

    Note that even if they don’t variations with these sizes, they still may be filtered because they have these attributes added.
    And it is the way WooCommerce works and not our theme bug or issue.

    We hope that it is clear for you and you can remove your negative review on ThemeForest.

    Kind Regards



    Ok is there a way not to filter the attributes and filter only the existing variations? The products are synced in the website from an erp and we have no full control over the data of each product.

    Regarding the review please be more direct with your support because for example this is something you could have seen in the first place and we would have saved many days. This sometimes gets frustrating when a live site does not work well.


    Artem Temos

    Sorry, but it is the way it works in WooCommerce.

    It is not always possible to see the issue from the first look. Moreover, we checked everything related to our theme. But your issue is on the WooCommerce part that we may not know since it is not directly related to our theme. So now you rate our theme with one star just because you have difficulties with the plugin, not with the theme. This gets frustrating too.

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