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Font Awesome icons

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  • #104477


    i try to use a facebook icon in my menu.
    1)there is a way to keep only the icon (without text)?Now i set a blank space in Item name.Maybe with css?
    2)i set the Icon name (from FontAwesome set) with size,but does not work the size.Also,there is the possibility to set my color?
    The code i use is :
    fab fa-facebook-square fa-5x
    Thank you



    If you want to insert an icon into the menu, there is an option to insert text.
    1. Take only a key-word http://prntscr.com/mdaavs and insert in the menu item https://gyazo.com/e154badd995b70453b111f1a9fba526e you will get the result like this: http://prntscr.com/mdadk9

    2. Icon size depends on the menu text font-size. You can increase the font-size and color with custom CSS.

    Here is the code:

    body .main-nav .menu>li>a>i {
        font-size: 30px;

    Best Regards



    1)i don’t want this result.I want only the icon without the name of page.Now i leave a blank space



    I do not understand. What do you mean icon without the name of the page?

    You can add an icon in two ways: FontAwesome or WP BAkery page builder element.

    Best Regards



    I mean this
    I want only the icon of facebook.So this is not a page.There is a way to add this icon in menu with WP BAkery page builder element?



    Navigate to the Theme Settings > Social profiles. You will see two tabs inside: one for sharing and one for following.

    Do not fill the fields for the social networks which you do not want to show in the following tab and disable appropriate in the sharing

    Best Regards



    I know this,but how can i use it in the way i told you?
    I need icons for social links next to menu.Screenshot
    Now i have created a page link with a space to the title and the Icon name from FontAwesome.But it is not saved properly.
    So that i ask you is how to add an icon next to menu.Is it possible with HTML blocks?



    Add a custom link to the menu, and add the icon as I described above – Take only a key-word http://prntscr.com/mdaavs and insert in the menu item https://gyazo.com/e154badd995b70453b111f1a9fba526e you will get the result like this: http://prntscr.com/mdadk9

    You will have to have to fill the “Navigation Label” in otherwise it would not work.

    There are no other options to add the icon just in menu

    Best Regards



    Add a custom link to the menu, and add the icon as I described above – Take only a key-word http://prntscr.com/mdaavs and insert in the menu item https://gyazo.com/e154badd995b70453b111f1a9fba526e you will get the result like this: http://prntscr.com/mdadk9

    You will have to have to fill the “Navigation Label” in otherwise it would not work.

    There are no other options to add the icon just in menu

    Best Regards

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