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FONT AWESOME not working

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  • #202897



    We have a problem with our Font Aweseome Icons. Especally in the Menu. So the Icons are not showing. Also we cant use font awesome Icons in any other way. We turned every plugin off to check if there is a problem with any of the Plugins but there wasn´t any change. Sill not working.

    Hopefully you can help us to fix this problem




    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    Please set “Always use” in the Theme Settings > Performance > CSS. If the problem still persists, please provide your site admin access to the private area, so that we could check.

    Best Regards



    We tried this too a few days ago. Tried it again now. Still not working. So you need a login to the Website to check?



    Please provide the site admin access to the private area.

    Best Regards

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