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Font error when refreshing pages

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  • #123549



    I have noticed when a website is opened for the 1st time the fonts in the header are of some different type and are changed later in a split second. The same also happens when other pages are browsed.

    It is more evident on My website (which is under testing and takes long time to load). But the same is happening on your demo website as well.

    Please find the video attached. At around 8 second mark when the page is refreshed the “login/register” button is of different font and then changes to other font in a second. (The video is of your demo website)

    On My website the same is happening even when only woocommerce and woodmart core plugin is activated. Please check.



    Error is at around 12 seconds.

    Video link-



    Artem Temos


    It depends on your website optimization and on internet connection speed. We don’t see such kind of problem on our side. https://gyazo.com/29aff06713214bd58078bc70d83cca65





    Earlier I also thought that it is a website issue but the problem occurs on your demo website as well. Please check the new video-

    1.) 1st I hard refresh (ctrl+f5) the demo page on the default woodmart website and only the same font is loaded.

    2.) Then I refresh the page (like you did) on the demo retail website and there is no issue and only 1 font is loaded. Then I hard refresh (ctrl+f5) the page and you can see when the page is loading there is a different font and after the page is loaded the font is changed to some other font. (All this happens on woodmart.xtemos.com so not a website specific issue).

    Also attached is the image. Showing 2 different fonts while loading the page and after the page is loaded. Do note that 2 fonts are being shown on the demo retail website only while the default theme works well. (Both images are taken from the page loading at woodmart.xtemos.com)

    Can you tell how the same can be changed so even when laoding the page only the 2nd font is shown like in the demo website?


    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Artem Temos


    While the font is loading from Google fonts, it uses default system font. It is not possible to prevent this mechanism since it is how the browser works. You are asking to display the font while it is not loaded but it is not possible.

    Kind Regards

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