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Footer company logo and social media logos

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  • #60951


    hello, when i was upgrading on new basel theme version 4.1, the widget column 1 from footer disappeared. Can you write me html code text which was in widget 1 column please? Thx.

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    Unfortunately, we cannot provide any code as we do not know what you had in your footer before updating.

    Check HTML blocks maybe you will find the block which you have added to the footer. Also, navigate to Appearance > Widgets and view maybe you will find widgets which were in the footer.

    Best Regards



    I had your html code in text widget area. I do not know why you talk about html blocks. It was not the html block, only html code wrote in text widget area. It was your’s basic theme set up for theme. Basel & Co. with social buttons. I was not mine, it was your basic set up for this theme.

    I do not know why the upgrade has this wrong affect on this widget area.

    Only if you see on widget area 1 in widgets section you will see the html code for this. I cannot do that because i would have to reupload site in basic settings.



    Here is default Basel footer demo http://prntscr.com/jqawv8

    Here is the content of the text widget http://prntscr.com/jqaxvl

    In your case, you need only this shortcode [social_buttons]

    You need to activate your license and update theme via Dashboard > Appearance > Themes > choose the theme and update. In such a way none of your settings would be lost.

    Best Regards



    Ok, thank you, now i have logo on the same position like before. Now I have a problem with social buttons, the short code does not function. When I’m watching product page, social buttons have any issue. Can you see on my link.



    Please navigate to Theme Settings > Social Profiles > Share buttons and make sure they are activated.

    Best Regards



    yes, they are



    Please provide your site admin access I will check the settings.

    Best Regards

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