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Footer Text Problem and Subscription Form Problem

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    Here is the screenshot: https://prnt.sc/aoUDdwXCqPl9

    Problem 1: Why the red squared wordings are in grey color? In the Footer setting, I have set the footer text color in Dark: https://prnt.sc/oyvZbweqPRiy

    Problem 2: The subscription form style was copied from your article (https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/how-to-add-mailchimp-signup-form/). But the output is not exactly the same as shown in your article. How can I make it exactly the same as in your article, except the color?



    The wordings are black in the backend: https://prnt.sc/VwFQWDkL04HZ



    1. I have found that in your screenshots that you are using the Elementor footer so the theme settings options will not work for the Elementor custom footer, but as you have sent the screenshot of the backend Elementor editor is showing the black color, so it means there is a cache issue on the site that is why the dark black color is not showing on the frontend. Please delete all sorts of cache from the site and then check back, otherwise, share the WP admin login detail of your site so I will check and solve the issue.

    2. Actually, the design of the button and newsletter form will vary from demo to demo. In our documentation, we have used the basic demo image but you have imported any other demo which has its own design for the fields and buttons. You can change the button style from Theme Settings >> Styles and Colors >> Buttons: https://ibb.co/vhRYkfP

    Best Regards.



    1. I don’t understand what do you mean by using “Elementor Footer”. I made the HTML Block and put it in the Widgets area (Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/iigosEgsI-ud). I have tried to contact the support from Elementor, they said I have to contact you back because I am using your elements to create the content. I have no idea what I can do to fix it. Could you help go to my website dashboard and take a look why’s that?

    Also, I have used the “Extra menu list” element to create the menu now. The words are a bit too small (Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/fX89o-LFfYq7). How to make it a bit bigger?

    2. Nevermind the button. Thanks!



    HTML blocks are supported by both WPBakery page builder and Elementor.

    Many Elementor Widgets offer the ability to edit text colour and typography settings. These design options are located in the widgets’ Style tab. https://postimg.cc/7J9YCHXJ

    Best Regards.



    Thanks for your reply!
    But it seems that you don’t understand what my problem is.

    Put it simply here:

    1. I use [XTEMOS] Elements to build my website because I want everything sticking to your woodmart theme settings.

    2. In my editing screen (https://prnt.sc/_niLHn6Th62p), you can see the words are in black color. However, when I go to see the actual footer outlook, the words are in grey color (https://prnt.sc/A9RF8WWDy-r6). Why is this happening?

    3. I know there is a Style tab there (https://prnt.sc/7toT2m5GpATg). But, as you can see in the screenshot, all the elementor global color settings are not in use. I don’t want to touch that. I just want to stick to the woodmart theme settings.

    So would you mind help to check why the colors are not the same from the editing area to the actual outlook?

    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Orange.


    The first step is to update your WordPress
    Navigate to the hamburger menu in the upper left of the panel and select Site Settings. https://ibb.co/rGGC0jt
    Click Global Colors.
    Go to a font label called Primary.
    Click the colour swatch to open the Color Picker.
    Select the colour you want from the Color Picker.
    Close the menu.
    Here is the documentation of Elementor text colour not changing.

    Best Regards.

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