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Footer With Elementor

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  • #254461


    Hey, i am new to use Woodmart, actually i really liked this theme. So, i am using “decor” template, i would like to use retail footer with it. Also, i am using elementor. How can i do this?



    Please set one column for the footer in the Theme Settings > Footer: https://prnt.sc/wcdbch

    Then add the HTML widget in Appearance > Footer > Column 1: https://prnt.sc/wcdj8u and chose the appropriate HTML block.

    You will need to set the footer background color as well in the Theme Settings > Footer

    Best Regards



    Actually, i didnt understand 1. photo, could you explain this for me?
    so, https://prnt.sc/wcdwht as you see there is no option like that.



    okay, i solved that, but now, i cant make footer “will open when you click on their header.” I already select yes for this option.



    Do you mean the collapsed footer on mobile?

    It is workable only on the footer widgets and it does not work on HTML block.

    You will have to rearrange your footer design into widgets.

    Best Regards

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