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Force browser reset cache

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  • #59322



    We updated all our theme, plugins wordpress core.

    The thing is when we enable combine js option if you go on incognito mode or start with cleared cache the site works ok but if you had previous visited the site before 2.5 and after update go again with combine enabled it’s breaking some functions unless you disable this option.

    We don’t use any cache plugin or server caching.

    Is there a way to force the already browsers that visited our site to make a new refresh cache?


    Artem Temos


    Actually, the cache should be reset automatically. Maybe there is some plugin installed that blocks this function in our theme. Could you please send us a link where we can see it?

    Thank you



    You can’t recreate the problem. You have to had visited the webpage prior 2.5 version and then visit again after 2.5 with combine js enabled.

    I attach a screenshot that shows the problem on console BUT this problem if you load the webpage in incognito dissapears although combine js is enabled


    Artem Temos

    Sorry, but then we don’t know how to help you. As we said the cache should be reset automatically. Maybe there is some plugin installed that blocks this function in our theme.



    It’s not that it blocks it. With clear fresh cache everything works fine. Anyway i’ll try some things also and stay in touch


    Artem Temos

    OK, contact us if you will have any further information.

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