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Free Shipping Bar problem with Tax in Shipping cost.

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  • #369373


    Hi, if i have tax inside the shipping cost inluded , the free shipping is not working correct (see attachment) If i delete the tax from the shipping cost – the free shipping bar calculated fine.

    Are there any solution to fix it? In this moment i calc my shipping cost with tax and then the bar is not usefull for me….Thanks!

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    Artem Temos


    Please, update the theme to the latest version 6.4.1 and test how it works. We have fixed this issue.

    Kind Regards



    Hi Artem,

    works , perfect Thank you!
    I dont know if i can submit a wish….if you make an update it would be great when you can automaticly insert the “free shipping value” from the used country – like the entry inside the woocommerce shipping value for the selected country.
    I have two different “free shipping values” in this moment, one for Germany one for a neighbour country. In this moment i can just use this one fixes value….


    Artem Temos

    We will consider this as a feature request for our updates.

    Kind Regards

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