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From Basel to Woodmart – Change pages, articles, products re. Basel specifics

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    I used Basel during 3 years. Including some of its specific features within WPBakery (eg info box, title, button, etc).
    Convert everything is a “painful” task.
    Since you perfectly know both, any recommendation from your side to make it quicker, while avoiding -as much as possible- to be handcuffed / painfully tied to a given editor?
    Kind regards


    Artem Temos


    Yes, these themes and different, and their elements are not compatible with each other. That is why you need to recreate most of the things manually and there is no automatic transfer mechanism, unfortunately.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Artem,
    Thanks for feedback. I was in process to, huge task.
    I see how I could replace the portfolio widget from Basel.
    Any suggestion on your side to replace for the “post carousel” widget of Basel?
    Kind regards


    Artem Temos


    Yes, you can use our “Blog” element for this and select the “carousel” design https://prnt.sc/11ai1ej

    Kind Regards



    Following your message, I discovered that Woodmart includes “elements”, like Basel does.
    As of now, I don’t see them in WP Bakery.
    I looked after info in your docs, typing ‘elements” in it. And did not find how to get them active. Namely in Wp bakery, as I had in Basel
    If it is related to “Woodmart core” plugin, let me know, because as of now, when trying to activate it, I get a fatal error Re.
    This error, I can’t manage it during the day, just early in morning when both US and Europe sleep.
    If not, sorry, I did not find how to get those elements, and then use them.

    Kind regards


    Artem Temos

    Try to deactivate all third party plugins and check if you can activate the plugin then.



    Though unclear or un-written, I will understand that this is due to this additional plugin.

    As I wrote, I can do that only when most sleep in Europe and America, ie tomorrow morning

    Kind regards


    Artem Temos

    OK, let us know how it works without plugins. But we also recommend you create a staging website for such a purpose to not affect your visitors’ experience.



    It’s not the solution. I do have staging (easy with Cloudways) but if it’s an excellent way to try, test, learn …, the transfer from staging to live is a nightmare (requiring to update all internal links by hand, but above all causing issues on the records and monitoring of woocommerce orders that intervene between transfer from live to stage and transfer from stage to live).
    Kind regards



    I am in process of moving from WPBakery to Generateblocks. Re. speed and CPU usage, it’s night and day. After tests, the 2 months of speed records prove it was the right decision.
    Recently, I read that:
    Wondered between WPBakery vs Elementor … since my Home page can’t be made with Gutenberg, and shortcodes are milestones around the neck but I just found that:
    Clearly, indeed, no reason to move from WP Bakery to Elementor … and real interest to move from WP Bakery to GB when possible
    Kind regards



    Sorry to disturb again, when I use your Blog element, the layout is incorrect.
    This is what I have today with Basel:
    This is what I get with Woodmart:
    These are the settings

    The issues vs Basel element:
    – the thumbnail format is not applied
    – the original size ratio is not respected
    – sometimes, with excerpt, sometimes without. When all the same articles are with excerpt with Basel …

    You also may wonder if it’s good to impose author and this icon with number of comments. Till you have many celebrities among the writers of your customers, not sure that it adds value in a simple widget whereas it complexifies (the DOM and the reading) … without being really noticed. Clearly not a priority, but it were included in the list of elements visibility.

    Kind regards

    Kind regards


    Artem Temos


    Check your thumbnails size configuration in Dashboard -> Settings -> Media. Also, try to regenerate all the thumbnails with the following plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/
    If it doesn’t help, provide us your admin access so we can check.

    Kind Regards

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