Home Forums WoodMart support forum full screen search 2, destroys the full screen search extra content

full screen search 2, destroys the full screen search extra content

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  • #407436


    1- User clicks search bar in header > opens Fullscreen search 2 and displays “popular searches” created via Elementor
    2- User types in a search query and the search bar moves up the page to make room to display results.
    3- User deletes search query and the search moves drops down the page.
    – ISSUE = full screen search extra contents made by Elementor, is not coming back! It’s gone! Unless the user closes the search, and re-click on the search box!

    What is expected as a normal behavior is when user removes the search query, the search box goes up, and the full screen search extra contents made by Elementor appear again.
    But instead, the search box dances like a tube man! goes ups and downs from top to middle to bottom of the page! and the full screen search extra content does not show up.

    This is a bad example of UI/UX as user will face both a bouncing unstable search box and a blank screen not coming back full screen search extra contents.

    Please make a patch for it, or suggest a permanent solution.
    Best Regards.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by loolootrel.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by loolootrel.


    Please make the full backup of your site and check the issue on the Storefront theme to detect if our theme causes the problem. Storefront is a free theme developed by WooСommerce.

    Best Regards



    Hello. Thank you for the answer, but umm, Are you sure you read the question correctly?
    Full screen search 2, is your theme module for search in MegaMarket Demo.
    Full screen search extra content is the content that appears below the search module (made by Elementor/WPB)> after user clicks on search and a white screen appears.

    To replicate the issue, follow these steps:
    1- Open this link : https://woodmart.xtemos.com/megamarket/
    2- From the top (header), click on white search area (search for products)
    3- A popup appears, from the top, you have a full width search area, where you can type your search query ==> this is called the Search Bar.
    4- There is a 4 column space below the search bar, from left to right named: New Products, Top Rated Producst, Featured Products, Sale Products ==> this area is called Full Screen Search Extra Contents made by Elementor/WPB
    5- Type “abc” or anything in the search bar. The Full Screen Search Extra Contents made by Elementor/WPB will disappear.
    6- Now remove your search query to type something new!
    (ISSUE) 7- Where is The Full Screen Search Extra Contents made by Elementor/WPB? It will not come back! It must come back as I removed the query and search bar is empty.
    When the search bar gets empty it must goes to the top, and the area made by Elementor/WPB must come back to screen.
    8- Now again type “abc” as search query.
    9- Add “d” at the end of search query.
    10- Add “e” at the end of the search query
    11- Remove “e” from search query
    (UI/UX/CSS ISSUE) 12- Can you see the search bar bouncing up & down like crazy tube man? It’s because it is a flex maybe! why not pin it to the top?
    Best Regards.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by loolootrel.


    You describe the functionality provided by the plugins. Please switch to the Storefront to see if the problem is caused by incompatibility with WoodMart or probably your other plugins.

    We would suggest going this way: detect the key plugins that provide the main functionality and deactivate other plugins, then check if the problem remains, check it on the Storefront.

    Our support covers only the WoodMart theme. We are responsible for the plugins listed in Appearance > Install plugins. At the same time we do not support other plugins.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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