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full upper case in dropdown menu

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  • #440883



    in my header menu , it shows all upper letter as screenshot , despite the wpbakery builder is written in upper/lower mixed letter

    I contact WPbakery support, they say the it’s caused by CSS in main CSS file

    the code:

    .wd-dropdown-menu:is(.wd-design-sized,.wd-design-full-width) .wd-sub-menu>li>a, .mega-menu-list>li>a {
        --sub-menu-color: #333;
        --sub-menu-color-hover: var(--wd-primary-color);
        text-transform: uppercase;

    so I would like to know , how to proper make the change instead of edit the file directly since I am worried if it will be overridden upon update or some change setting saved action

    best regards,

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    Sorry to hear about the inconvenience. Kindly, please share your Site WP-ADMIN Login details in the Private Content field so that we can check this concern on your Site and help you out accordingly.

    Also, please share the exact Page URL too on which you are facing the issue for better reference.

    Best Regards




    thanks for reply , information provided

    please be careful this is a live site

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by qtwrk555.


    The element that you are using for the mentioned Section doesn’t have the option right now to control the Font formatting and it is the navigation link text, for which by default Theme has certain CSS applied which is why you are seeing them as uppercase.

    So, we have went to the Dashboard > Theme Settings > Typography > Advanced > there selected the Custom selector first > then added the CSS class for those Link texts > and then define the Font formatting for them specifically the text transform > and set it as Capitalize: https://snipboard.io/ZLVyiF.jpg

    Please check back your Site after completely clearing the browser and server cache.

    Best Regards

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