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Gallery Flip after WP Rocket usage

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  • #547184


    there is a strange flip of the gallery visible here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jELgC7KVFSarXokZ6ck1_H1zGzRyB6iz/view?usp=sharing at about second 20.
    The problem appeared after the WP Rocket usage.

    Admin credentials in the private section.
    Please check the WP Rocket settings.
    Please don’t deactivate other plugins (it is a live website), they have nothing to do with the problem (already tested).
    Please don’t change any content.

    • This topic was modified 12 months ago by t.simkina.

    Artem Temos


    As we already mentioned, we need you to disable all plugins that are not related to our theme so we can check this issue.

    Kind Regards



    Ok, I will try again in simple words. I have already tested the plugin disabling. None of 3rd party plugins has an impact. The issue comes with WP Rocket. Wp Rocket deactivated -> no flip issue. Wp Rocket activated -> flip issue. I have disabled WP Rocket (Safe mode). Some of WP Rocket settings are not working well with the swiper. I am using WP Rocket on your advice (see tutorial). Do you understand what I am trying to say?


    Artem Temos

    Yes, we understand that you already performed these tests. And we understand what you are trying to say. And now we need to perform the same test to help you. That is why we asked you to keep plugins disabled so we can check.



    I have deactivated almost everything. The deactivation of PixelYourSite will break settings. Can you see if it is enough?


    Artem Temos

    There are few plugins still active. Can you deactivate them too? (except PixelYourSite) Also, switch to the parent theme temporarily.



    Now I have deactivated everything I could. Wordfence and Gelato must stay, otherwise I will have to reconnect Gelato.



    I don’t understand why you want to test this with deactivated plugins, there is no issue in this case. WP Rocket minifies and optimizes scripts, so we need all scripts to be available.


    Artem Temos

    We activated the WP Rocket and deactivated the child theme. Could you please test how it works on your end now? We don’t see the gallery flip issue.



    Yes, I will check. But this ist not a real situation. I need all plugins, and WP Rocket minifies and optimizes scripts, so we need all scripts to be available.



    I don’t see the flip issue either. Have you set all the settings of WP Rocket as they should be or just activated it? All settings were disabled.



    I don’t see any settings in WP Rocket. Just activating it doesn’t cause any problems of course…


    Artem Temos

    We just activated the WP Rocket plugin and didn’t adjust the settings.



    Just activating it doesn’t cause any problems of course… Can you apply right settings?



    Do you know which settings work with the theme well?


    Artem Temos

    Our theme works with all WP Rocket settings. We have described how to configure everything in our tutorial. If you see that some options causes this gallery issues, please, enable them so we can investigate the issue further.



    You wanted to perform tests with deactivated plugins. The “tests” were to activate one plugin without settings? It it all you have to contribute?
    As for “We have described how to configure everything in our tutorial.” The fifth time: this tutorial is outdated, the settings of the plugin have changed. The tutorial needs an update. I have asked for this 4 times before. You keep ignoring. Maybe you don’t understand the word “outdated”, could you google it please?

    • This reply was modified 12 months ago by t.simkina.

    Artem Temos

    Yes, some settings may be different and we have to update the tutorial. We will do this soon. But in general, the idea is still the same. Also, all settings can be configured to your needs from site to site. Our tutorial is just an example and not an ideal solution for all cases.



    You are writing “Our theme works with all WP Rocket settings”. Well, apparently not, as far as it is not a dream :). And all you can do about is activate WP Rocket without settings? I don’t understand your approach.
    My analysis is the following: the flip comes with the setting “Delay JavaScript Execution”. And here is your know-how important: I don’t know which scripts should not be delayed. And at this point, the up-to-date tutorial is important. Because regarding delayed scripts it is not an example, but the only functioning setting which I can’t do alone. I asked to check this two weeks ago here: https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/loading-speed-problems-and-laoding-components-problems/. No reaction, no result. I suppose, the list under Theme Settings – Performance – Plugins – WP Rocket delay JS exclusions is not up-to-date or something else should be excluded from delay in WP Rocket settings.


    Artem Temos


    Sorry for the delay. We use this plugin with the Delay JS option on a lot of websites without any issues. Anyway, we want to help you and still trying to reproduce this issue on your website. That is why we asked you initially to reproduce the problem but keep all plugins that are not related to our theme temporarily disabled. We thought that you have already enabled this option in WP Rocket. So again, please, keep all plugins temporarily turned off, enable WP Rocket and configure its settings so we can see this issue on your website.

    Kind Regards

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