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get "brand" description text

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  • #118081



    On your demo theme, you can add a custom “attributes”. One attribute in the theme itself, is “brand”. Here you add a logo, a name and a description of that product brand.

    Then you can filter the products of a particular brand:


    Question: how can we display the “brand text” + logo we added in your system ?

    So on the filterpage, which shows only products of a particular brand, we need obviously the “brand description” + logo above the page.



    Artem Temos


    You can turn on “Enable archive” option for the brand attribute in Dashboard -> Products -> Attributes and create separate pages for each brand. Then, those pages will have the brand’s description above the products as it works on categories pages.





    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

    I followed your advice, but I can’t get the “brand” to show as a category page.

    1/ Is there another option, to just say to wordpress, that when the “url token” of a brand is there, that it gets the image and text of that brand on top ?

    2/ We don’t need to make manually separate pages, for all brands ? The info is there, we just need it to be above the page automatically. Do you know a plugin or function how I can accomplish this ?

    3/ Can you please login and check it out (it is a test installation, so go ahead and change) ?




    I am able to check the “enable archive”.

    Now when I am going to that link (see private link), I see a filter page of that brand.

    1/ However, I need the logo and description to appear there automatically. How can this be done please ?

    2/ The “brand” logo on the single product page, still links to the original filter page, so not to the “category archive page (see private link 2). Where can I change this please ?

    3/ Should I add some code to functions.php or change a template file to achieve what I want ?

    4/ I am willing to pay you if you consider the things I ask not included in the normal support.
    However, I am convinced that the things I ask are rather basic, and that they would add a great value to futur updates of the Woodmart theme, and for other customers.
    Could you let me know I you would need a customization fee, for this amamzing function ?

    Best regards


    Artem Temos


    1. Place your brands description and logo to the description field in Dashboard -> Products -> Attributes -> configure terms.

    2-3. You need to update the theme to the latest version.

    4. Sorry, but we are not available for custom development at the moment. We can suggest you to hire our partners to do this job https://codeable.io/partners/xtemos-studio/?ref=BwH0e




    1. I already placed the description and logo in Dashboard -> Products -> Attributes -> configure terms !

    I followed all your steps, and still in the “brands” filtered productspage, there is no logo and description on top ๐Ÿ™

    Why can’t this be solved ? :/

    Is it too much to ask, to just take the effort to login in the website, and look at the problem ? I feel again ignored, and vaguely responded to, with no actual support

    I gave your theme a FULL FIVE STAR RATING on Themeforest. I hope this experience won’t let me reconsider the “support” section of this rating. I feel obliged to honestly and objectively quote each of the 50+ Envato themes I already bought, so other people are helped with this info.

    I can not update the theme right now, as in a previous ticket, you guys fixed a BUG in the theme, and that fix is not yet added to the websitefiles ! So updating the theme will break the lay-out of my homepage.
    Check here : https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/background-pattern-on-section-divider-bug/

    so PLEASE PLEASE help us now …


    Artem Temos

    This information is displayed after the products as you configured it in Theme Settings -> Shop https://gyazo.com/e9db43d7882b51a47707a3f9a2622bd0
    And you didn’t put any images to the description field https://gyazo.com/67fcafb2ef01641c6c901c2b321b343a

    You can update the theme and we will send you the fix for that topic separately.



    Now we’re getting somewhere finally.
    I updated the theme to 3.6.1, and now we have the bug again on the homepage, that the curved lines of the colored fields are all gone now. Please send us the fix.

    I altered the setting, so the description is shown on top of the page now.
    The brand image is already added, so how can I change the tpl file, to show it please ?
    I know you will not do this for me, so if you point me what tpl file to change, I’ll do it.
    It would be a bit silly, to add the image with html to the description field, when it’s added already, that would not be user-friendly… Let’s be honest that the image shown automatically would be an improvement for your theme, and the futur customers who buy it …


    Artem Temos

    To fix the bug you need to edit the file woodmart\inc\shortcodes\row-divider.php and replace this line

    ( $content_overlap != '' ) ? $classes .= ' dvr-overlap-enable' : false;

    with this one

    ( $content_overlap == 'enable' ) ? $classes .= ' dvr-overlap-enable' : false;

    Sorry, but there is no option to show the image automatically there.



    I fixed the content overlap bug (I hope this bug is fixed in the next release).

    If you would have taken the time to just check it, you would have seen it is NOT possible to add html in the description tag. It just get deleted when I save it

    There IS an option to show the image there, and in the time you shot half baked and quick answers here, you could already have pointed out how to do this.
    One line of PHP in the right template file, and this would be added automatically … But of course, this would require 2 minutes of effort on your behalf …
    Not the support I am used to on Themeforest, to be honest.
    I am not even pointed in the right direction, like saying which template file.
    Every ticket is answered under 5 seconds it seems ๐Ÿ™


    Artem Temos

    The problem is that there is no separate template file that used for the brand page. It is the same as the category and tag page. And it is also used for all other attributes. That is why we can’t point you to this file since you will not be able to customize it as per your needs.

    Also, we suggest you to use HTML Blocks to create some more complicated content structure and add images easily.



    Ok, let me give the support, in 1 post, for people who need an efficient solution without any unnecessary hassle with extra html blocks or double input of an image ๐Ÿ™‚

    1/ Show the image before the description tag:

    Just install this plugin, and the image is shown automatically before the description:

    2/ If you need to add html to the description, without it getting deleted by default, you don’t need html blocks, just add this code to your functions.php:

     * Allow HTML in term (category, tag) descriptions
    foreach ( array( 'pre_term_description' ) as $filter ) {
        remove_filter( $filter, 'wp_filter_kses' );
    foreach ( array( 'term_description' ) as $filter ) {
        remove_filter( $filter, 'wp_kses_data' );
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