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Google accessibility: aria / Contact target areas / Contrast ratio

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  • #564679



    we are in the final optimisation phase of the website and have noticed that we suddenly have problems with google speed insights in the area of Google accessibility. This concerns in particular: aria / Contact target areas / Contrast ratio . Maybe google has changed some check criteria ? The problems were not there before.

    Many thanks for your help in advance



    And there are also some problems with: Links cannot be crawled


    Luke Nielsen


    1. https://prnt.sc/h_m3Ff1cGQ9_ – try to change the bg color of the font color to fix that issue.

    2. https://prnt.sc/JtN__gDaK-7l – such paragraphs also change to black color (#333).

    3. https://prnt.sc/HigUf5Luf3M7, https://prnt.sc/0F5FP3t2VHJZ – change the bg color of the New label in Theme Settings.

    4. Use the code below to fix these issues: https://prnt.sc/isUQyLAWvyIr, https://prnt.sc/-ub_54MGt8nw

    .product-grid-item .wd-product-cats a {
        color: #333;

    5. https://prnt.sc/ZBWOy7QEW_PB – change the color for the prices, e.g. make it as a black and recheck the issue.

    6. https://prnt.sc/GR9QjKxSQXTn – use the code below to fix it:

    .product-grid-item .smaller.wc-gzd-additional-info span {
        color: #333 !important;

    7. https://prnt.sc/sTj9YavOQW-I – change either the bg color of the font color and recheck the issue.

    8. https://prnt.sc/dnUyG3idCwjU, https://prnt.sc/zFUNlG7xoDjj – there are the same, change the color of the subtitle, and paragraphs, then recheck whether this issue shows or not.

    The same is here – https://prnt.sc/ftHXs4Z5-epe, https://prnt.sc/YfXjdclk6vgf

    More details about that is here -https://dequeuniversity.com/rules/axe/4.9/color-contrast,

    Kind Regards



    Thank you, thats about the contrast, that I really like and fits the company CI and would like to let them best as they are.

    But what about the “ARIA attributes” and the ” Touch target areas are of insufficient size or spacing.” ? These are given from the theme and are theme driven settings or am I wrong ? Also the at SEO that some links cant be crawled.


    Luke Nielsen


    1. Disable the “Click action” for the footer’s logo – https://prnt.sc/HsAQ8QEzBAeX

    2. “Touch targets do not have sufficient size or spacing.” – this issue is related to the small size or small spacing of these elements – https://prnt.sc/KvStM_uQ0pm2. If you want to change it, I can prepare a custom.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,

    1. It helped, thank you.

    2. Yes, it would be great.

    3. What about the google page speed insight “links cant be crawled” issues at SEO? Mobile has one and Desktop has three issues.

    Best regards


    Luke Nielsen


    2. Here is:

    .copyrights-wrapper .wd-social-icons.icons-size-default .wd-icon {
      font-size: 25px;  

    3. Could you please enable the “editing” of the files? https://prnt.sc/FS0xWBnKQJiI

    Kind Regards



    2. Thank you, it worked.

    3. Now it should be editable.


    Luke Nielsen


    3. Thank you. In the next update, it will be fixed.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Kind Regards

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