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Google Adwords

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  • #572644


    Where I can find header.php or the setting for setting up a Google tag for conversions?
    I am using a child theme…
    Thank you



    I added code through ftp directly to the header.php, but I am not sure if won’t update when I update the core or template…

    But now I need to add the conversion code to the last page (thank you page after sell) but I can’t find the header for it, or where I should add the code?

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 5 days ago by r.nemcovsky.
    • This reply was modified 1 week, 5 days ago by r.nemcovsky.


    You need to copy the header.php file from the main theme to your child theme and add the code as you require.

    Best Regards



    what about that last page in eshop?



    The “Thank you” page is related to WooCommerce so if you want to edit it you need to copy the below file to your child theme and make changes there.


    Best Regards.




    I don´t understand copying files to the child template both times, look to screen: no_child. I don’t have files there.
    And I have found the thank you page but there is no “<head>”, where I should add the snipped code, look to screen: no_head and google_code.

    This should be somewhere in a setting because it can’t be so difficult to do basic settings for advertising, everybody needs an advertised page. Please guide me in more detail,

    thank you

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    Artem Temos


    WordPress template structure is built in the way where all pages has the same header.php file. And the thank you page is not an exception. So you need to copy the header.phpfile from the parent theme to your child theme folder and then add your custom code there.

    Kind Regards




    also so with an exact structure? I mean the same folders as in a normal template?
    and what about the thank you page? How can I add to <head> this snipped code from Google?

    thank you


    Artem Temos


    Sorry, but we don’t quite understand what you mean. Could you explain, please?

    As for the Thank you page, we don’t have a working solution for this. It requires additional code customization of the WooCommerce template files. And such customizations are not covered by our theme support service. Read more about what is covered by theme support in Envato Support Rules https://themeforest.net/page/item_support_policy

    Kind Regards



    I would like to add a snipped code from Google to the last page of the shopping process so it can capture conversion.
    I sent it to you before how it looks like and where they are saying to add it. (screenshot google_code.png)



    Artem Temos


    We understand your request but we don’t have an instruction for this specific customization. As we mentioned earlier, such customizations are not covered by our theme support.

    For adding custom code to the <head> section on specific pages, you might need to use a custom function in your child theme’s functions.php file or use a plugin designed for adding code snippets.

    If you require further assistance, you might want to consult a developer who can help you with these customizations.

    Best regards

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