Hi there i am trying to implement a google map section, but when i do either with the google map widget of elementor, either with html copiing the iframe from google map, my site crashes and when i reload it, it retrurns error 403 Access Forbidden.
Any ideas?
Ok i see!
I would like not to use the google map with an api key.
I am trying to embeded the map with the iframe dircetly copied from my store location in google maps and importing the widget HTML from Elementor!
I can see the map in backend correctly, but in front end the page returns me the error 403 access forbidden!
Could you please check how it works with some default WordPress themes like TwentyTwenty or WooCommerce Storefront to understand is it our theme issue or not?
I use it the way I describe you with other themes in my clients websites such as xstore, kallyas, Porto etc. You want me to change theme and try it with one of the defaults ??