Hello Xtemos
I got a policy warning from facebook saying that the design of the “login with facebook” button is not as per facebook guidelines.
After going back and forth many times on email as to what exactly is the issue I got the reply-
Thank you for your reply. It seems as though the blue is not contrasted to the background blue so it is giving the impression that the white F is by itself and is not using the full blue box with white F in it. I would suggest changing to the white
box background.
It seems strange that out of 1000s of users I have got this warning. However it seems I now would have to change the design of the button or stop using the same.
Can you let Me know how the same can be done? (Might not be a bad idea to change it in the theme only. If it is wrong for 1 site maybe other users will also get warning in future).