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GtMetrix Leverage

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  • #193042


    Hi there,

    Last time you added these lines to my header in order to make the icons work in my website.

    <script src=”https://use.fontawesome.com/a9e8be7baf.js”></script&gt;
    <script src=”https://kit.fontawesome.com/01190df41d.js&#8221; crossorigin=”anonymous”></script>

    However this seems to be effecting my page speed score according to gtmetrix and pingdom tools end google speed test.

    Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources:

    https://kit-free.fontawesome.com/releases/latest/css/free-v4-font-face.min.css (1 minute)
    https://kit-free.fontawesome.com/releases/latest/css/free-v4-shims.min.css (1 minute)
    https://kit-free.fontawesome.com/releases/latest/css/free.min.css (1 minute)

    How can we solve this?

    Thanks in advance.




    If you think that code creating an issue on your site speed, then simple remove that code and describe your initial issue again in detail for which we gave this code to you so that we can investigate it on your site again.

    Best Regards.



    Hi there,

    It was already described in the first sentence. Duo fonts not working properly.

    Here your replty older ticket


    like to here from you.


    Artem Temos

    Yes, our theme supports only Font Awesome 5 set. Keeping both libraries is bad for performance. That is why we now recommend to not use the code and keep only 5th version of the Font awesome and use its icons. Otherwise, you will have that notice in the Gtmetrix report and will have larger page size.



    Okay, what should i do now?


    Artem Temos

    Remove the code from the previous topic and replace all your icons used from the 4th version with 5th version icons.



    How do i do that?


    Artem Temos

    You need to find the code you added from the previous topic and simply remove it. Then check which icons are missed and replace them.




    Let me simply explain, I never asked for these codes. You guys have added this to my header, because the previuos update broke them.

    The icons at the top and on my product pages are all option you provide in your theme. I just selected these. So I would not now how to do this.

    I removed the lines in the header.php this is what happened see printscreen
    top menu missing whatsap: https://snipboard.io/Es3jM0.jpg

    product page missing whatsap: https://snipboard.io/E2mOeA.jpg

    Please explain more how to do this.

    Do I have to activate something in your theme settings or is it coding?

    Please axplain how.



    Artem Temos

    Could you please disable all caching and optimizations plugins and send us your admin access? We will log in and check the problem.



    Hi there I did disable cache now. Below my admin access.

    Thanks in advance


    Artem Temos

    The issue is caused by this piece of code added to your Custom CSS section https://gyazo.com/c76900e6d71728ecdb68c3b5a3dd920a
    Try to remove it and clear your browser cache.



    Okay I did remove all coding what was added by Xtemos. It seems to be working here. Can you also check in your browser if everything is ok and let me know? Thanks in advance and again thanks for great support as always.


    Icons top


    .fa-pinterest::before {
    content: “\f0d2”;
    font-family: fontawesome !important;

    fa.fa-facebook::before {
    content: “\f39e” !important;
    font-family: fontawesome !important;

    .fa-whatsapp::before {
    content: “\f232″;
    font-family: fontawesome !important;

    .color-scheme-light input[type=”email”] {
    color: #fff;



    Hi a final question forgot to ask. What settings to use in Woodmart to accelerate website speed. cause my score is high but the loading time is too long. And I am not using a shared hosting. any advice?


    Artem Temos

    In general, our theme is already optimized and don’t have too many resources to make your website slow. Most likely, your website performance suffers from the content you have added to your website. It may happen in case of too many plugins, large not optimized images or other resources. So we suggest you to remove unnecessary plugins, install some kind of JS & CSS optimizing plugins like Better WordPress Minify and a caching plugin like WP Super Cache or use WP Rocket for both tasks. Also, you can use GTmetrix tool to see what makes your website slow and optimize these parts of your website.

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio




    The thing is that I already use WP rocket and with there imagify plugin. I recently (a few days ag) tested jetpack with a cdn paid subscription paid for it but I disabled it now.

    Or I am using wp rocket wrong or somethign else. Cause my score gtmetrix is 91% I think not bad rigth? But my page speed is getting me crazy, it is loading in 5.4 seconds can’t get it down.

    Do you suggest to use cdn or, do I have to look someting else for solution.

    Cause this page slownes is costing me money from leaving customers.

    And finally I noticed my webpage is loading in parts as I compare to other sites they are opening directly in 1 part. what to do here also.

    Many thanks for taking your time.



    Artem Temos

    Your current home page loading time is near 2 seconds and it is quite fast https://gyazo.com/110f5184158ac9ed8130d2d5647eeab0
    On our demo, we are using KeyCDN service and configure it via WP Rocket.



    Hi there,

    Back again about the icons.

    After removing the lines from the header and the changes your suggested.

    Still sometimes on desktop as mobile the icons are missing and appearing as a block. Please see print screen all the icons are block.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Artem Temos

    We have checked this on different devices and all icons are working correctly https://gyazo.com/29c4e3f55ae60c54c3fff4d54280d4f0
    They may be missed during loading because you enabled font-display option in Theme Settings -> Performance.



    Hi there,

    It doesn’t happen all the time. Sometimes it happens. This time I saw it on the mobile phone. But it happens the mostly on desktop. But after refreshing the icons appear.




    Artem Temos

    We tried to refresh it a log but didn’t notice the problem. Maybe you had some issues with your internet connection.

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