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Hamburger menu in desktop device

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  • #547809


    I’m trying hard to find a solution for an issue, but I can’t find it.
    I’m trying to use the hamburger menu not only in Mobile, but also in Desktop mode.
    Usually in most part of themes you can choose to have hamburger menu or inline menu for desktop.
    Now, in Header BuiIder I can choose style, properties, menu and element for Desktop header and for Mobile header.
    For mobile header version I choose to have the Mobile menu column + Category column Menu column + the search form. And it’s ok (because people need to find everything by just clicking the hamburger menu).

    Then I would like to use the hamburger menu in the standard (desktop) header version. And the only way to have an hamburger menu is to use again ìMobile Menu’ element.
    The problem is that if I choose Mobile Menu I can’t choose to hide category column or not to have search form. . Better, I chose to exclude these options, but they appear anyway. In short words everything is set in Mobile tab seems “must” to be the same for Mobile Menu on desktop header type.
    Usually hamburger icon is just a modality to open the menu (icon that opens a sidebar instead of inline menu). On Woodmart If I choose hamburger menu I have the same aspect and elements of mobile menu. Of course this is not good, because I should can choose different elements if I click the Hamburg r menu on desktop or on mobile.
    At the moment if I go Header Builder -> Mobile -> Mobile Menu -> and I set: Show Search Form + Show Category I get them on mobile. Then if I go to Header Builder -> Desktop -> Mobile Menu and I choose different elements (for example no Search Form, Woodmart totally ignore it and shows the same elements of Mobile settings.

    What I would like is to have:
    -on mobile: cartegory column, menu column, search form.
    -on desktop: just menu column, and if is possibile not the same menu that on mobile.

    I tried also tried to use CSS to hide ‘category column’and ‘search form’ in Theme Settings -> Custom CSS -> Custom CSS for Desktop, but I’m not able to find the right CSS class to hide elements to exclude.

    Could you please suggest the solution to this issue. (hi hope I explained in a good way the problem I have)

    I also tried by choosing in Header Builder -> the Sticky Header element to be opened by hamburger icon. But the problem is that the Sticky header (as the name suggest) is always there, killing the pages layout. So it’s not the solution.

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    Try to use the main menu element in the desktop and enable the option “Full screen menu”. Navigate to WoodMart > Header Builder > Edit Current Header > Configure main menu settings and enable the option full screen menu. Here you can choose the separate menu for the desktop.

    Best Regards.



    thanks very much for reply.
    It wasn’t exactly what I mean, but it could be a solution.
    Is it possibile to customise the full creek menu in theme settings?



    Sorry to say but right now there is no option in Theme Settings available for that. It requires Customization and this is beyond our limitations and support policy scope. Hope you can understand our limitations.

    Best Regards.

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