When i activate the plugin for our specific pricing AJAX add to cart does not work.
I have spoken to the support and they have told me the following…
Kindly note that we’ve observed and wish to bring to your attention that the issue seems to stem from the theme itself. To gain more clarity and resolution, we recommend reaching out to the theme developers directly. Kindly request their assistance in addressing the specific error occurring within the console.
Furthermore, we’ve introduced a code snippet within the theme’s JavaScript file for testing purposes exclusively. While implementing this code, we discovered its presence. The code added is located in ‘js/scripts/wc/addToCartAllTypes.min.js’:
0 < (a.notices && a.notices.indexOf(“error”) !== -1) ? e.append(a.notices, d.addClass(“not-added”))
We strongly advise contacting the theme developers to address the issue. Emphasize that making certain modifications within the theme codebase might provide a resolution, based on our preliminary attempts.