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header and footer are not working

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  • #253048

    [email protected]

    hi team, please take a look on the attached for header & footer setting, no matter how many time i try. its still no make any changes

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    I saw the screenshots you attached.

    If you want to use HTML Block as a footer then you need to choose footer columns to single from Theme Settings >> Footer.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://ibb.co/XD3kfN5

    Then add the HTML Block to the footer column from Appearance >> Widgets.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://ibb.co/b3x1v96

    Then clear cache and check back.

    Best Regards.


    [email protected]

    i had follow the all step , but seem its nothing change for the footer part.

    header logo for desktop is work perfect but mobile still in woodmart logo

    pls advices



    You need to change the logo for the mobile header as well from Woodmart >> Header Builder >> Edit Header.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://prnt.sc/w8a6st

    And for the footer please provide with the admin panel login details of the website to check it myself and help you out accordingly.

    Xtemos Studios.


    [email protected]

    yes for the mobile i did changed but still not working, even i change to another present header also cant!!

    please check the desktop and mobile for header and footer.

    thx so much



    Your issue with the footer has been resolved. Please clear cache and check back.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://prnt.sc/w8bnx7

    And the logo issue is with the svg file you are using as the logo.

    You need to open your SVG icons file with some editor like Sublime Text or default system text editor and add height and width attributes to your tag like it is shown on the screenshot https://gyazo.com/83fd36b0bb9628bb1aed2bd3d5d063c5

    Then upload the file back to the dashboard.

    Regards. Xtemos Studios.


    [email protected]

    i had try following step use the Sublime Text, please see attached. the svg was has security issue when uploaded???

    pls advice

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    I saw the screenshot you attached.

    Please make sure that you have installed and activated the Safe SVG plugin then try reloading the SVG file.

    If you still find this error then deactivate all the third-party plugins and tell me then we will troubleshoot with the theme plugins.

    Xtemos Studios.


    [email protected]

    hi, there have 2 footer at product page. please advice

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    I saw the screenshot you attached.

    It is because you added the HTML block in the pre footer area as well. Therefore to remove it remove the HTML Block you added in the pre-footer area under Theme Settings >> Footer.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://ibb.co/86r9yD4

    Best Regards.


    [email protected]

    hi, there have 2 issue here

    1. sticky header color cant make any changes, even i change to other header
    2. wpbakery issue cant edit allignment of header was move to bottom, ols refer to pic

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    [email protected]

    attached pic resend

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    I saw the screenshots you attached.

    1) For the sticky header background try adding the following Custom CSS in the Global Custom CSS area under Theme Settings >> Custom CSS.

    body .whb-sticked .whb-general-header {
        background-color: red;

    2) And for the sticky header please provide a relevant screenshot. How do you want to align the header to check it myself and help you out accordingly.

    Xtemos Studios.


    [email protected]

    sticky header color already change to white, but i change the logo in black color its no any different, same happen to mobile cant change to white sticky header

    pls advices

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    [email protected]

    after the header change to white color, under the wpbakery dashboard i cant move and change the row and add any column

    pls advices

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    I saw the screenshot you attached.

    Please provide the admin panel login details of the website to check it myself and help you out accordingly. Because the maintenance mode is enabled and I am unable to visit your website.

    Xtemos Studios.


    [email protected]

    i wish to remove the social bar at header too, please refer to pic



    Your issue has been resolved. I have changed the logo for the sticky header.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://prnt.sc/wktkj0

    You need to make changes to the header corporate overlap header then the changes will work for the homepage.

    And there is no such alignment issue as you mentioned for the header.

    Xtemos Studios.


    [email protected]

    why i cant select other header as my option ? why other header cant work ? now i had change the corporate and made to home page.

    that is only 1 header that able to use now? pls advices

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    I saw the screenshot you attached other headers are not working because the corporate homepage a Custom header is set.

    The header name is “header corporate overlap” you need to make changes to that header then the changes will work for the homepage header.

    Best Regards.

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