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Header Build not making updates

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  • #572854


    Hi, i’m editing my actual header and i don’t see the updates that i’m making on my website. I’m using the ‘limit categories’ functionality to show a number of categories on the header. I just install the theme and started editing it. Need you help. I’m editing the header that i’m using, the one with the star.



    I have resolved that issue, but i have noticed another error. I am seeing categories that do not exist in the category list on the website. These phantom categories do not have an arrow to navigate to another page, and i am unsure of their origin. How can i remove these ‘categories’?



    Sorry to say but we didn’t seem to understand your concern properly. Could you please elaborate on your concern more with some useful Screenshots so that we can better understand and assist you accordingly of what issue you have faced. Also, share the site URL.

    Best Regards.



    I’m sending a image and the url of the website.

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    Artem Temos

    This menu can be managed via Appearance -> Menus. From there, you can remove all unnecessary links you don’t need.



    Thank you! If i can ask you one more question, what about those sub-categories, how do i delete and edit them?

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    Artem Temos

    You can remove these dropdowns using the same interface in Appearance -> Menus. Find more information in our documentation here https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/create-mega-menu/



    Ok, thank you. What about the section on the footer that says ‘Based on WoodMart them 2024…’ I cant’t find the edit page to it.



    Im going to send you an image so you can see more clearly what i need to edit. I have written ‘1,2,3’ for better identification. I want to edit these 3 things. I don’t find the rigth path to edit them.

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    Artem Temos

    1. You can edit this area in Theme Settings -> Footer -> Prefooter.

    2. Check your widgets in Appearance -> Widgets.

    3. Copyrights can be edited via Theme Settings -> Footer -> Copyrights.

    Kind Regards



    Hello, thanks for you response. After i tried to put copyrigths off my website had a strange response, the content was deformatted, some buttons did not appear, and the footer was different from page to page. Is there a problem if I try to edit this section of the site?
    on the product pages the change was made, on my main page and others the original remains even after the change.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Artem Temos


    Please disable any plugins not directly related to our theme and provide us with your admin access details. We will log in to your dashboard and investigate the issue. Please ensure that you only keep the following plugins that are necessary for our theme to work correctly:
    – WoodMart core
    – WooCommerce
    – Elementor/WPBakery Page Builder

    Thank you in advance.



    Thank you, the problem was resolved.


    Artem Temos

    Great, we are glad that you sorted it out. Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.

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