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header builder does not save

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  • #159216


    when I edit header builder I can’t save, it stays loading and never saves changes it stays loading forever

    in some if it can be edited and saved, but Header Base cannot even be cloned if it cannot be saved

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    The problem is caused by server configuration http://prntscr.com/q2njfh Please contact your host support to solve the problem.

    Best Regards



    why Header Track Order Overlap and Header Overlap
    if you save without problems ???
    If it were a server problem you should not allow to save any header

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    Take the Default header https://prnt.sc/q5f7qh set it as the default edit and save, I have checked this header works without any problems.

    Best Regards



    continued with the problem

    the Default header, it saves well, but not always, when adding specific elements the same thing happens, it does not save.
    I have created a new header and the same thing happens, I managed to create the header for the desktop, but when I go to the mobile header I can only place the logo, if I want to add another element for example when adding the mobile menu it does not save again.

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    Please check how it works on the patent theme and deactivate the Wooocommerce admin plugin.

    Best Regards

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