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Header is not changing

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  • #458304


    I have selected the default header from header builder and even created a new test header.
    But the selected header is not displaying on the frontend.

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    Make sure that the header is enabled: Go to theme setting > General> Header and check if the header you created is enabled.

    Make sure that the header location is correct: Check if the header location is set to the correct location where you want the header to appear.

    Clear your cache: Sometimes, caching plugins or your browser cache can cause issues with displaying changes. Try clearing your cache to see if that helps.

    Check for conflicting plugins or code: Sometimes, conflicts with other plugins or custom code can cause issues

    Best Regards.




    None of your suggestions worked.

    1. Did you mean theme setting > General> Layout > Header?
    If yes, then I have made sure multiple times that the I have selected the header. (attached)

    2. Header location: Where should I set the header location?

    3. I have clear cache, and test using different browser.

    4. I have not installed any new plugins other than suggested by the theme during installation. Also, I tried disabling plugins. Nothing worked.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Please share the WP admin login details of your site so I will check and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards.



    Please find below. Your prompt help is hugely appreciated.



    Your issue has been resolved. Your test header is showing on frontend: https://ibb.co/TwJwMZy.
    You have selected the custom header for this page.

    Check back your site after completely clearing the browser cache and server cache.

    Best Regards




    The issue isn’t resolved yet.
    Please open https://bobtechno.com/ and you will see that the header menu isnt’s the menu that I have selected. You can still access the WP Dashboard provided above.



    Nevermind, I’ve resolved it by selecting a different header. My custom header isn’t working



    You are Most Welcome.

    We are glad that you managed to solve the problem yourself. You are Great!!!

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you! You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Have a wonderful day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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