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Header Is not responsive on Table Device

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  • #290974


    My header is not responsive on a tablet device but it is responsive on a mobile device So can you please provide me the CSS to display the Logo on the left, empty space in the center, and wishlist icon, cart icon, and My account Icon in the right corner in Tablet only in top bar. So that it can look the same as it in the mobile header.
    please see the attached screenshot for further clarification.
    and also I want to increase the width of the search form that is in the second row of the header for tablet devices.

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    Are you viewing on the real device or narrowing the browser?

    Here is what I see: https://gyazo.com/8e4c23e3ca23f6b4c761d534df0ae23e and https://gyazo.com/f2e3266948627e5aeb88225ac763c208

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Sir you are viewing this https://gyazo.com/8e4c23e3ca23f6b4c761d534df0ae23e because I have hide the top bar on mobile header temperioly but I want to add logo and empty space and wishlist, cart icon and my account icon on mobile header top bar but after adding it on top bar you can see previous attached screenshot that due to only one column in top bar it is not responsive on tablet view. So that’s why I requested you to please provide me the CSS to display the Logo on the left, empty space in the center, and wishlist icon, cart icon, and My account Icon in the right corner in Tablet only in top bar.



    Please add all as you need and I will check, perhaps you add a lot of items and there is not space enough. We will check and suggest.

    Best Regards



    please provide me the CSS to display the Logo on the left, empty space in the center, and wishlist icon, cart icon, and My account Icon in the right corner in Tablet only in the top bar header.



    We can hardly need CSS, add all the elements and show on the screen where and how you want to shift, I will do that.

    Best Regards






    We are glad the issue has been resolved.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards


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